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Women's Fitness: Facts

Women burn fat differently, men burn fat & build muscle faster due to their extra testosterone.

  • Women's fat cells are 5 times larger than mens.

  • Weightlifting helps melt visceral fat that builds around organs.

  • Lifting weight does not cause bulky muscle specifically women, they do not have enough testosterone.

  • Women have the testosterone level's of a 10 year old boy.

  • Skipping meals causes your body to keep fat for the fear of starvation, then you keep the extra fat rather than losing it.

  • Running helps slow down the ageing process of the body mentally, & physically.

  • Running actually restricts the loss of muscles & bones, it helps break up the bad chemicals between your joints.

  • Women have type 1 muscle fibres which are not able to get as big but are more compacted & strong.

  • Women have stronger pain thresholds, which gives them quicker recovery, along with more endurance.

  • Exercising helps your mood, your energy levels, along with confidence.

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