11 Sports Nutrition Truths.
1. Health is 80% of what you eat.
2. Nutrients matter, not calories.
3. Water is the best form of hydration.
4. Vegetables are more nutritious than fruits.
5. 'Healthy' fats increase endurance and energy.
6. Sports drinks = Sugar and toxins. Make your own.

7. At every meal, eat a fat + Carb + 2- grams of protein.
8. Commercial sports protein powders and bars = Toxic.
9. Under 60 minutes of workout needs no sports drinks or food.
10. Eat your main meal 3-4 hours before your workout/race. Eat within 30 minutes to improve your recovery time.
11. WARNING: 'Carb loading' with processed and packaged carbs causes low energy, weight gain, slower recovery, weaker immunity, and muscle wasting.