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Some Benefits of a Veg Diet.

*Lowers blood pressure.

*Lowers cholesterol levels.

*Reduces type 2 diabetes.

*Prevent stroke conditions.

*Reverses atherosclerosis.

*Reduces heart disease risk 50%.

*Reduces heart surgery risk 80%.

*Prevents many forms of cancer.

*Prevents obesity.

*Reduces asthma and allergy risks.

*Reduces infertility risk.

*Stronger immune system.

*Increases life expectancy up to 15 years.

*Higher IQ.

*prevents costly (mad cow disease, E coli, foot & mouth disease, bird flu, etc.)

*Prevents rapid breeding of antibiotic-resistant superbugs & other dangerous bacteria strains.

*Prevents over 25 million meat-related human deaths worldwide each year.

*Prevents 60 billion meat-related deaths worldwide each year.

*Conserves up to 70% clean water.

*Saves 80% of the cleared Amazonian rainforest from animal grazing.

*Prevents over 60% biodiversity loss.

*Restores marine life.

*A solution for world hunger:

Free up 3.4 million hectares of land.

Free up 760 million tons of grain every year (half of the world's grain supply.)

*Consumes 1/3 fossil fuels of those used for meat consumption.

*Reduces pollution from untreated animal waste.

*Maintains cleaner air.

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