Kinesio Taping.
Kinesiology tape is a light elastic tape that can be used for numerous soft tissue-related issues including overuse injuries & inflammation, muscle strains or spasms, & edema or swelling.
Thanks to the latex-free adhesive & breathable cotton material. this unique tape is skin-friendly & water resistant.
K Tape applications work by providing one, or a combination, of the following benefits.
Muscle inhibition or facilitation
Neuromuscular awareness
De-loading of pain receptors
Stimulation & facilitation of the lymphatic system
Reduction of inflammation
Proprioceptive support

K tape can be used for these common injuries:
Neck strain
Shoulder pain
Tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel
Wrist pain
Golfers elbow
Rib pain
Gluteus pain
Achilles Tendonitis
Hamstring strain
Plantar fasciitis
Shin splints
Quad strain
Runners knee
Calf strain
Ankle sprain
Get in touch for more details.
Martin Hunt
London Personal Trainer