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Touch: interesting facts.


  • Touch is the first sense to develop in humans, & may be the last to fade.

  • There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin-3,000 in a fingertip.

  • A touch of any kind can reduce the heart rate & lower blood pressure.

  • Touch stimulates the release of endorphins (the body's natural pain killers), which is why a mother's hug for a child's skinned knee can literally make it better.

  • People with eating disorders who receive massage 3 times a day for 10 days, gain weight faster & got out of the hospital six days sooner than those who don't.

  • Elderly people who massage surrogate grandchildren report higher esteem & better moods.

  • Massage before an athletic event, makes the athlete more flexible, enhances speed & power, and makes you less prone to injury.

Go ahead, book your sports / deep tissue massage today.


Mobile massage therapist London.

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